For organisations / Product Management

Align your Product teams to fuel your growth

Build the right Product Management capabilities to capitalise on digital investments and drive transformation.

What’s the cost of doing nothing?

Organisations invest an average of $1-$2 million into Product teams annually.

However, 40-80% of products fail either by never making it to the market or not meeting their key objectives and results once launched.

That is up to $1.6 million of wasted investment per organisation annually, resulting in failed transformations and unmet strategic objectives.

(Source: Glassdoor, USA 2022;, 2022)

Turn Product into an engine of growth

Product management is the function that guides every step of a product’s lifecycle by focusing on the product and its customers.

The best Product teams work in lock step to spearhead transformation and guide activities that prepare their organisation for growth. Importantly, they routinely ship better-designed products that perform exceptionally well. When they’re not aligned, Product teams lack the processes, frameworks and mindsets to link their output to broader business objectives.

Every learner receives an industry-recognised product management certification and digital badge to showcase their new capabilities.

Get this critical function right with Product Management training that leverages a real organisational project and delivers an industry-leading learning experience.

Our product management training programs give teams the tools they need to create profitable products, a stronger market position and drive business growth.

Achieve transformation goals

Optimise the teams and processes that are instrumental in delivering digital transformation.

Reduce budget blowouts

Invest in teams that work in lock-step to get products to market on time and on budget.

Realise successful products

Build products that solve customer problems, are easy to communicate and hit revenue targets.

Maintain competitive advantage

Provide shared tools and mindsets to reduce lag times and grow your market share.

Set the vision and strategy

Tie your output to broader business objectives so that your team output is aligned 100% of the time.

Generate ideas and identify opportunities

Activate a toolkit for solving customer problems that deliver business value.

Hone your team’s leadership skills.

Build trust and advocacy across your organisation to ensure your teams are set up for success.

BYO project

The choice to use an organisational project. Build the commercial model and outline product recommendations for future implementation.

In-demand digital skills

Embed modern product skills into your workforce that truly translate to digital transformation and broader business success.

Immediate results

Bring a project drawn directly from your business into our programs so that your people push priority projects forward within the context of learning.

Strong talent pipelines

Fortify your product talent pipelines with uplift programs to ensure deep talent pools and that your digital transformation projects remain on track.

World-class learning experience

We create a vibrant learning culture including access to an ecosystem of industry expert facilitators and learning designers.

Lasting skills uplift

Bring about real behaviour change with hands-on learning that goes beyond standard content libraries.

Industry recognised certification

Every learner receives an industry-recognised product management certification and digital badge to showcase their new capabilities.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify strategic opportunities to develop market-leading digital products or improve existing ones
  • Lead cross-functional teams and collaborate with customers and stakeholders to build desirable, viable and feasible products
  • Manage and improve products throughout their lifecycle based on data-driven insights
  • Create and iterate a product vision and roadmap to inspire and drive collaboration
  • Manage the design of innovative digital products using human-centred design principles
  • Execute on the product strategy using Agile and lean ways of working

Hear from our partners

Ishantha(Ish) Samarasinghe

(Former) Senior Manager Capability Lead
Commonwealth Bank

“Partnering to create ‘CBA Product Management Essentials’ is our commitment to delivering better customer outcomes and developing our people. It was a pleasure working with an amazing team of passionate professionals in both CBA and Academy Xi.

Chris Hudson

Product Management Facilitator
Academy Xi

Product teams need to be agile enough to withstand hungry market competition and disruption. Having the right foundations in place – processes, frameworks, mindsets – are crucial. When it’s time to sprint, your team needs to know how.

We’ve helped these organisations align their teams

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Frequently asked questions

What is product management - and how does it drive business growth?

Product management is an organisational function that guides every step of a product’s lifecycle — from development to positioning and pricing — by focusing on the product and its customers first and foremost.

High-performing product management teams help organisations achieve business goals, such as entering new markets, selling more to existing customers, changing customer behaviour or winning business from competitors.

How does Academy Xi design upskilling and reskilling programs to deliver a higher return on investment, faster?

We work closely with our clients as collaborative partners to identify and design around learning pillars that are essential to product maturity.

We work with you to understand where your capability gaps are, design a product management course that hones in on and addresses these gaps and continuously measure for impact, not just learner engagement.

What kind of product management certification do learners receive?

On successful completion of our Product Management training, every learner will be issued an industry-recognised certificate in Product Management. We encourage learners to share their verified credential on LinkedIn to promote their newly acquired skills and to support their organisation’s commitment to upskilling.

Can we help you develop a business case to support your learning initiative?

In order to deliver the best product management training for your team, we can provide content to support the development of a business case to match your learning strategy.

How does Product Management map against the World Economic Forum’s Top Ten Work Skills for 2025?

Product Managers routine exercise many of the abilities the World Economic Forum outlines in their Top Ten Work Skills for 2025 list. This list maps the jobs and skills of the future.

These include: Analytical thinking & innovation (#1); Complex problem-solving (#3); Critical thinking and analysis (#4); Creativity, originality and initiative(#5); Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation (#10).

More Resources

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