Finding critical digital talent in less than 1 week


How Academy Xi’s talent services addressed an urgent market research challenge for Drop Bio.

The Business: Phil Hayes St Clair is the CEO and Co-Founder of health-tech company Drop Bio. Through developing advanced ‘at-home’ technologies, they are helping to reshape how people understand their own health at a deeply personal level.

The Challenge: In the lead-up to a critical product launch, Phil and his team identified an urgent market research challenge. They understood that valuable products are informed by a sound understanding of customers. They needed immediate UX research support – but lacked the right skills in-house to conduct it.

“What surprised me was just how quickly we got the support that we needed. From the first conversation with Academy Xi to project commencement, it was less than 7 business days”

The Outcome: Referred by a contact, Phil phoned Academy Xi to problem-solve. In the space of 7 business days, the Drop Bio team had two specialist UX researchers drawn from Academy Xi’s talent pool embedded in their team. The pair hit the ground running by conducting deep quantitative research in order to gain a clearer picture of the customer. Phil asserts that the duo became a “potent consulting partner” at this critical stage of the product’s development.

“It feels as if there is a reflex built into Academy Xi which is ready to meet the critical talent needs of businesses. They provide access to talent that is easy to stand up and which may only be needed for a discrete period of time. We saved a significant amount of money and got the same, if not better, outcome than we would have had we gone through a traditional agency.”

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